My interest in language, thought, and time stems in part from many years spent writing personal narratives and reading the narratives of others.

I began keeping a diary and sharing my photography online in 1998, long before anyone used the word blog. The corner of the early web I grew up in consisted primarily of young women who produced introspective writing and art about their experiences, both on their own websites and on platforms like LiveJournal. In an effort to help document and preserve a unique era in the history of the Internet, I’ve left a large archive of my digital writings online. Please contact me for access. I was also a research subject for Dr. Magdalena Olszanowski‘s dissertation, — The Collective Practices Of Amateur SelfImag(in)ing and Personal Website Production 1996 to 2001.

My alter-ego writes creative nonfiction, including the personal essay Ways To Show Affection, which was published in The Sun magazine in 2006, and Pathological Fracture: 50 Lessons from the Medical/Surgical Floor, which was published in women&performance in 2021.

Some of my long-time friends from the early Web include writers, scholars, artists, and thinkers who continue to inspire me: Miriam Bird Greenberg | Mitsu Hadeishi | Heather Anne Halpert | Helena Kvarnstrom | Magdalena Olszanowski | Terri Senft | Leigh Stein | Letitia Trent | Esme Weijun Wang | Kim Winderman

Some favorite literary quotations and other musings on the subject of time are here.
